Justin Bieber Has Elevated Fashion Once Again


Everyone knows when attending a high-stakes basketball game, you don’t want to see too much. You wanna sport some old-fashioned indoor-sunglasses, like Justin Bieber did as he watched Miami take out Indiana in game seven, pushing the Heat to the NBA Finals. What everyone doesn’t know — or didn’t know until Bieber let them know, just like he did with lipstick-red onesies and insano drop-crotch pants and Chanel ski masks with fedoras on top — is that it’s great to wear a leather shirt, too. (Possibly with leather pants?) The chains aren’t anything new, but they complete the look. What will you wear next, Li’l Swaggy? We’ve got a better chance at guessing what Bob Benson’s deal is

What Is Justin Bieber Hiding in His Drop-Crotch Pants? Justin Bieber Has Elevated Fashion Once Again
